News Releases

House Members Support Inland Waterways

April 2, 2020

Almost 80 Members of the House signed onto a letter to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee requesting lock and dam projects funded by Inland Waterways Trust Fund dollars be conformed to the 75%/25% shift that ...


Soy Growers Urge Congress to Support Locks and Dams

March 26, 2020

Soy growers are urging Congress to support funding vital waterways improvements, specifically locks and dams, which allow soybean farmers to transport their crop and remain competitive in the global market. This week, the House of ...


Update: Waterways Infrastructure

October 31, 2019

Senate floor consideration of the Fiscal Year 2020 Energy & Water Appropriations bill is currently stalled amid the larger partisan standoff on the overall appropriations process. The House Energy & Water bill and the Senate ...


House Bill a Positive First Step on Waterways Infrastructure Annual Funding

May 16, 2019

This week, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development passed its FY20 draft funding bill, which covers funding for the Army Corps of Engineers, including inland waterways infrastructure programs and projects. The bill ...


House Committee Passes Bill to Provide Full Utilization of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Revenues

May 9, 2019

The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee on Wednesday approved by voice vote, a bill which would spend the entire harbor maintenance tax revenues on its intended purpose, rather than diverting a portion of the funds ...

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