May 25, 2022
Washington, D.C., May 25, 2022. The American Soybean Association is excited to share soy’s 2023 Farm Bill priorities. As the House and Senate Agriculture Committees lay the foundation for this pivotal legislation, ASA hopes its initial priorities list will provide...
May 23, 2022
Washington, D.C. May 23, 2022. In a letter to President Biden, 54 agricultural groups expressed grave concern with a recent amicus brief submitted by the U.S. Solicitor General to the Supreme Court advising the court against taking up a case...
May 20, 2022
St. Louis, Missouri, May 20, 2022. The American Soybean Association (ASA) recently led an analysis of federal conservation programs to determine which programs were the most beneficial to farmers and led to greater adoption of conservation practices. The economic analysis...
St. Louis, Mo. May 20, 2022. Abby Berger of Jonesboro, Arkansas, is the recipient of the 2022-23 Soy Scholarship award, sponsored by BASF and the American Soybean Association (ASA). The ASA/BASF Soy Scholarship is a $5,000 award presented to an...
May 13, 2022
May 13, 2022. Washington, D.C. The American Soybean Association (ASA) applauds President Biden’s nomination of Alexis Taylor to serve as the USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs. Stephen Censky, CEO of ASA, said of Taylor, "Alexis has...
May 12, 2022
ASA/WISHH’s latest association development activity trained seven leaders of the Ghana Aquaculture Association (GAA) to support expanding aquaculture production in sub-Saharan Africa. Using USDA Agricultural Trade Promotion Program (ATP) funds, WISHH offered customized training on strategic planning, communications and public...
May 11, 2022
Washington, D.C., May 11, 2022. President Biden’s three-pronged announcement to address food affordability and farmer costs amid the Russia/Ukraine conflict is one that America’s soybean farmers can get behind. Brad Doyle, soybean and wheat farmer from Weiner, Arkansas, and American...
May 4, 2022
ASA & USB Remind All Farmers: #SoyHelp to Manage Farm Stress Only a Web Click or Social Search Away Joint campaign during Mental Health Month will offer tips and resources to help farmers stay healthy Washington, D.C. May 4, 2022....
April 14, 2022
ASA/WISHH continued its partnerships with academia to promote U.S. soy’s role in global leadership with its attendance at the Association of 1890s Research Directors (ARD) Biannual Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. At the University of Maryland-Eastern Shore’s (UMES) invitation, WISHH used...