News Releases

ASA on EPA Announcement: Pleased by SRE Denials, Optimistic for Brighter RVO Future

December 8, 2021

Washington, D.C. Dec. 7, 2021. The much-anticipated Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcement on Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) brings with it a mixed bag of reactions ranging from thankful to slightly frustrated. EPA’s volumes for 2020 ...


#SoyOnTheGo: Reliable Surface Transportation is Key to Keeping Soy & Supply Chain Moving

December 3, 2021

By Caleb Ragland  •  ASA Director As harvest begins to wrap up in Kentucky, the focus has shifted to getting my soybeans from field to market. Now is where the importance of a reliable infrastructure ...


U.S. Soy Achieves Record Export Volume for 20/21 Marketing Year

December 2, 2021

ST. LOUIS (Dec. 2, 2021) — U.S. Soy set a new record for exporting more product in more international markets than ever before, the United Soybean Board, U.S. Soybean Export Council and American Soybean Association announced ...


Economist’s Angle: Breaking Down the Crop Year 2020 Soybean Safety Net

December 2, 2021

By Scott Gerlt  • ASA Economist The federal farm safety net for soybean producers is provided by the farm bill and crop insurance. These standing programs are designed to protect against different adverse conditions. While ...


WISHH Connects Latin American Food Companies to U.S. Soy Protein Ingredients

December 1, 2021

On Nov. 30, WISHH Latin America will present a two-hour, virtual trade team event entitled, Meat Analogs and Extenders – Trends and Production with U.S. Soy. The event, funded by USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Market Access ...

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