News Releases

ASA & Other Ag Groups: ‘Governors, Be Mindful of Supply Chain Impacts’

March 26, 2020

ASA and other ag groups sent a letter this week requesting that, during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, state governors be mindful of supply chain and workforce impacts on the ag community when considering individual response ...


No SRE Appeal

March 26, 2020

While all the world continues to keep an eye on COVID-19, biofuel groups, ASA, and other interested parties were also busy watching the deadline for the Trump administration to appeal the 10th Circuit case that ...


Soy Growers Urge Congress to Support Locks and Dams

March 26, 2020

Soy growers are urging Congress to support funding vital waterways improvements, specifically locks and dams, which allow soybean farmers to transport their crop and remain competitive in the global market. This week, the House of ...


ASA Comments on Draft CFI Responsible Use of Gene Editing Framework

March 26, 2020

ASA recently filed comments on the Center for Food Integrity’s (CFI) draft responsible use guidelines for gene editing in agriculture, urging the coalition to seek perspective from ag groups, in addition to considering the burden ...


WATCH: How WISHH Goes After Trade in a Strategic Manner

March 26, 2020

In a new video, U.S. soybean growers highlight how WISHH works in a strategic manner to grow trade for U.S. soy protein in developing and emerging markets. Daryl Cates, Bob Suver, Stan Born and Morey ...

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