News Releases

Cambodian Feed Millers Learn to Manage Purchases as U.S. Soy Exports Increase

October 17, 2019

As Cambodian feed millers increase purchases of U.S. soybean meal, they’re looking for smarter ways to buy. In October, two representatives from a Cambodian feed mill attended the Northern Crops Institute (NCI) Soy Procurement course, ...


WISHH Builds Progress for Eggs and Poultry in Ghana

October 10, 2019

ASA/WISHH is recognizing progress in Ghana’s egg and poultry value chain during World Egg Day on Oct. 11. WISHH’s USDA-funded AMPLIFIES (Assist in the Management of Poultry and Layer Industries with Feed Improvement and Efficiency ...


ASA/WISHH’s CAST-Cambodia Project Begins Process of Training Aquaculture Farmers, Businesses

October 10, 2019

ASA’s WISHH program began the process of training 200 Cambodian farmers and businesses in the fish production and marketing industries last month. The training is part of the USDA Food for Progress funded Commercialization of ...


WISHH Continues to Grow U.S. Soybean Market in Southeast Asia

September 26, 2019

WISHH is working to strengthen the growing markets for U.S. soybeans in Myanmar and Cambodia. In mid-September, WISHH Asia Division Director Alan F. Poock visited Myanmar and Cambodia to follow up with former trade team ...


Ghanaians Gain Knowledge on Poultry Production, U.S. Soy Protein Utilization

September 18, 2019

  Ghanaian professionals spanning across the soybean value chain spent two days learning about poultry production and U.S. soy protein utilization. ASA/WISHH has implemented various soy utilization promotion activities in Ghana, including the five-year USDA ...

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