News Releases

WISHH Joins NASDA to Showcase U.S. Soy in Trade, Development & Global Food Security

September 8, 2022

ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program is working with the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture to update NASDA’s leadership about U.S. Soy’s role in trade, development and global food security. ...


Business Leaders from Three Continents Gain Soy Protein Insights

August 25, 2022

ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program’s busy summer of trade teams continues. This August, food and feed leaders from three different continents visited soy production leaders in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South ...


WISHH Celebrates Cambodian High School Aquaculture Learning on International Youth Day

August 17, 2022

ASA/WISHH recognizes the exciting real-world aquaculture learning at Raksmeay Sophonna High School in the Kampong Thom Province. WISHH’s collaboration with the Cambodian high school technology park supports the 2022 International Youth Day theme of “Intergenerational ...


ASA Confirms New WISHH Executive Committee

August 4, 2022

American Soybean Association President Brad Doyle has confirmed the election of ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program officers and committee members for the upcoming year. Officers are Roberta Simpson-Dolbeare (ASA-IL) who will ...


WISHH & State Department Fellow Provide Aquaculture Training to Expand Market for U.S. Soy-based Feeds in sub-Saharan Africa

July 7, 2022

  ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program continues its strong aquaculture partnerships in sub-Saharan Africa. WISHH partnered with Tanzania-based Aqua-Farms Hatcheries to deliver a one-week training to 20 tilapia hatchery managers, technicians, ...

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