American Soybean Magazine

American Soybean covers soybean news including people, policy developments, timely topics, advocacy efforts, and other subjects of interest and importance to U.S. soy.

Fungicide Timing and Use in Production

October 6, 2017

Managing soybean diseases starts with knowing what to look for locally. In this latest podcast, Beck’s Hybrids agronomist Chad Kalaher talks about soybean diseases that are common in Illinois and how to employ proper fungicide ...

VIEW ISSUE Podcast: Managing the 2017 Soybean Crop

August 14, 2017

It’s another record year for soybean acres planted, as 10 – 15 percent of planned corn acres were shifted to soybeans due to the spring weather conditions. This record doesn’t come without challenges, though. Many ...

VIEW ISSUE Podcast: ISA Trade and Market Development

June 19, 2017

As trade facilitator for the Illinois Soybean Association, Eric Woodie spends his days working to generate beneficial partnerships with stakeholders across trade, transportation, infrastructure and other industries to create changes that will positively impact Illinois ...

VIEW ISSUE Podcast: Habits of Highly Successful Farmers

April 19, 2017

In both good times and bad there are commonalities among the farmers who tend to be most profitable. Last year a study sponsored by ISA and the Illinois Soybean checkoff program explored the on-farm practices ...

VIEW ISSUE Podcast: How Do You Win in Tough Times?

February 17, 2017

It’s cliché, but the adage “tough times don’t last, but tough people do” holds more than a little truth. To help make sure your farm endures, Mike Boehlje, Ph.D., distinguished professor of agricultural economics at ...

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