American Soybean Magazine

American Soybean covers soybean news including people, policy developments, timely topics, advocacy efforts, and other subjects of interest and importance to U.S. soy.
ASA & USB Work on Waterways Infrastructure

ASA & USB Work on Waterways Infrastructure

May 24, 2024

By Jody Shee The vitality of the U.S. soybean economy is inextricably linked to the condition of its inland waterways, its most efficient mode of transportation. Recognizing this critical dependency, the American Soybean Association and ...

River Rebounds from Historic Low Water Levels

River Rebounds from Historic Low Water Levels

May 12, 2023

By Mike Steenhoek, Executive Director, Soy Transportation Coalition Last fall, much of our nation’s attention was devoted to the historically low water levels on the inland waterway system—particularly the Mississippi River. A system that all ...

Mother Nature and Rail Issues Dominated End of Year Infrastructure Policy

Mother Nature and Rail Issues Dominated End of Year Infrastructure Policy

February 24, 2023

By Alexa Combelic, ASA Director of Government Affairs In the early days of 2022, ASA spent time identifying priorities for the biennial Water Resources Development Act, or “WRDA.” This legislation authorizes myriad Army Corps of ...

Infrastructure Breakdown: U.S. Soy Faces Variety of Hurdles on Journey to Market

Infrastructure Breakdown: U.S. Soy Faces Variety of Hurdles on Journey to Market

February 24, 2022

By Will Rodger America’s competitive edge in farming largely relies on her ability to move vast quantities of food, fuel and fiber along transportation routes that are the envy of the world. That edge, however, ...

Challenges, Optimism for Nation’s Transportation Infrastructure

Challenges, Optimism for Nation’s Transportation Infrastructure

February 23, 2022

By Dan Lemke Like a good football offensive lineman, a healthy supply chain operates so smoothly that it’s barely noticed. Recent disruptions in global transportation have thrust supply issues to the forefront and illuminated just how ...

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