American Soybean Magazine

American Soybean covers soybean news including people, policy developments, timely topics, advocacy efforts, and other subjects of interest and importance to U.S. soy.

Worrisome Waterways

October 4, 2017

Infrastructure keeps America connected, but it’s more than highways and subway systems, electrical grids and broadband access. Infrastructure is ports, bridges, railways and waterways. It’s the connector between rural America and the foods consumers enjoy ...


CREAATE-ing Opportunities for Soy Trade and Exports

September 20, 2017

This week Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) along with Sens. Angus King (I-Maine), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) introduced the Cultivating Revitalization by Expanding American Agricultural Trade and Exports (CREAATE) Act, legislation that would ...


Protect Crop Insurance

September 13, 2017

Crop Insurance is one of many tools in farmers’ toolkits that allows them to continue growing through tough times, like natural disasters and crop destruction. To further explain the necessity of Crop Insurance, the Crop ...


Did You Catch ASA at Farm Progress?

September 5, 2017

Last week ASA staff and grower leaders took to the fields of Decatur, Illinois to talk about soybeans, trade, infrastructure, biodiesel, the upcoming farm bill, harvest season and more at the 2017 Farm Progress Show. ...


The Right Formula: Trade + International Development

August 17, 2017

Soy trade is vital to rural America’s economy, and developing countries who depend on soy offer long-term market opportunities, which is why ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health is working to not only promote trade ...

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