News Releases

WISHH Latin American Partners See Versatility & Resiliency in Soy Foods

October 6, 2021

Representatives from WISHH’s key food and beverage account in Latin American recently participated in a webinar highlighting the growth, versatility and resiliency of soy in snack foods. The WISHH-hosted webinar featured speaker and Innova Market ...


ASA-WISHH Celebrates Ghanaian Egg Secretariat Success

October 6, 2021

In preparation for World Egg Day on Oct. 8, ASA-WISHH commends Ghana’s egg and nutrition leaders who are sustaining the momentum for egg nutrition in the country. Ghanaian dietitian Naana Adjei helped create Ghana’s National ...


U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia Joins CAST & Cambodian Aquaculturist Association Meeting

September 30, 2021

U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia W. Patrick Murphy describes ASA-WISHH’s USDA-funded aquaculture project Cambodia as a good example of a public-private partnership. “I am really delighted to see the partnership that’s under way here between the ...


Young Entrepreneurs Are Teaching, Sharing & Inspiring African Aquaculture Market Development

September 23, 2021

Jerry Mang’ena founded Aqua Farms Organization to respond to food security issues in Tanzania and Africa. He later funded Aqua-Farms Hatcheries to support the 20 million fish seed gap in his country. Since founding his ...


ASA/WISHH’s Early Partnership Pays Off for Pandemic Food Security

September 16, 2021

Opinion Editorial by former WISHH Chairman David Iverson, a South Dakota soybean grower and United Soybean Board Secretary and Sustainability Target Area Coordinator My 6’4” height fascinated the giggling Guatemalan children, but they quickly overcame ...

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