American Soybean Magazine

American Soybean covers soybean news including people, policy developments, timely topics, advocacy efforts, and other subjects of interest and importance to U.S. soy.

PodTalk: Improving Protein Quality is Vital to U.S. Soy’s #1 Customer

April 11, 2018

While many farmers focus on increasing the volume of soybeans they produce, the value of the meal and oil in those beans is even more important. But in recent years, the crude protein levels in ...


PodTalk: New High Oleic Varieties Promise Strengthened Soybean Demand

March 28, 2018

A lot of attention has been paid to the quality of the protein in soybean meal—and that continues to be of utmost importance to the competitiveness of U.S. soybean meal globally.  However, about 20 percent ...


Illinois Builds Global Demand for Soybeans

March 20, 2018

Not only is Illinois the leading soybean-producing state in America, it’s also the fourth largest soybean country in the entire world, producing nearly 600 million bushels of beans on more than 10 million acres in ...


PodTalk: Strengthening the U.S. Soy Industry

February 21, 2018

The soy checkoff has been in place since Congress authorized it in 1991, as a way to fund soybean research and promotion efforts. In this PodTalk we’re going to find out about the important role ...


PodTalk: Innovation Beyond the Bushel

February 7, 2018

To many soybean farmers, the most important metric is yield—bushels per acre. And that isa critical factor of a soybean farmer’s profitability. But it’s no longer just about the quantity of soybeans. The compositional quality of ...

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