American Soybean Magazine

American Soybean covers soybean news including people, policy developments, timely topics, advocacy efforts, and other subjects of interest and importance to U.S. soy.
Young Entrepreneurs Are Teaching, Sharing and Inspiring African Aquaculture Market Development

Young Entrepreneurs Are Teaching, Sharing and Inspiring African Aquaculture Market Development

November 23, 2021

Jerry Mang’ena founded Aqua-Farms Organization to respond to food security issues in Tanzania and Africa. He later funded Aqua-Farms Hatcheries to support the 20 million fish seed gap in his country. Since founding his company ...

Soy-Gari Research Opens New Opportunities

Soy-Gari Research Opens New Opportunities

July 27, 2021

By Leticia Amoakoah Twum •  From Summer 2021 American Soybean magazine As a research scientist, I am excited to share our findings that, adding soy to a food eaten by millions of West Africans has ...

WISHH Positions U.S. Soy for New International Market Success

WISHH Positions U.S. Soy for New International Market Success

July 27, 2021

The work of ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) puts U.S. soy on the right track to reach new and emerging export markets. “From aquaculture in Africa to soy-fortified beverages in Central ...

Ahead of Growing Global Trends: WISHH shares science to trailblaze for U.S. soy trade

Ahead of Growing Global Trends: WISHH shares science to trailblaze for U.S. soy trade

May 11, 2021

•  From Spring 2021 American Soybean magazine By 2030, consumer interest in protein-rich diets is predicted to grow to an $85 billion market, according Euromonitor International—and this increased global demand for protein is providing more ...

WISHH & Strategic Partners Reach 22 Countries in 2020

WISHH & Strategic Partners Reach 22 Countries in 2020

February 22, 2021

WISHH and its strategic partners faced unprecedented challenges to connect trade and development across global market systems in 2020. Despite COVID-19, travel bans, and Cambodia’s floods, WISHH worked to build market systems that can meet ...

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